Yesterday was magical and inspiring in so many ways. We went to the Sierra Chincua Monarch Preserve, where we saw the monarchs in full flight getting ready …
Day Before Visiting The Monarchs
Awaiting tomorrow with both excitement and trepidation. This is the reason why I am here. To film the Monarchs. Been practicing with my new camera …
Day After Valentines
I choose to leave my shutters open to wake up with the rising sun. After which I have been making my way to the yoga …
Going To Town
Yesterday we went to town. Maravatio. We three residents, Ian, Bridget and me. We walked to the bus station, marked by a big old dead …
Waking Up In Mexico
Waking up on Saturday, February 11th after 12 hours of sleep, beginning to feel more in place here. But not quite. I was asked why …
First days in Mexico
Upon arrival in Mexico on Friday afternoon, I started feeling a bit lost, out of sorts. Not sure why I had made this journey. The plane ride was …
A Lost Marshland on view at BRAC
Nature in Absentia: A Lost Marshland premiering at The Bronx River Art Center as part of the 3-Person show “Scaling Nature” Curated by Gail Nathan Artists: …
Nature in Absentia: Urban Field Station Collaborative Arts Program
Urban Field Station Collaborative Arts Program Residency with the USDA Forest Service and Nature of Cities.Starting this past Spring, I have been working with an …
Papers of Place, Review of solo show in Vermont
Interview with Olivia Ann Carye Hallstein about Papers of Place for EcoArtSpace Excited to share the following interview with Olivia Ann Carye Hallstein for EcoArtSpace about my …
Transitioning Home Again
It is interesting that shortly after coming home from this 5 week sojourn throughout mainly the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth has passed on. It would …