Do you have a Migration story you would like to share?
Inspired by Rachel Carson’s book "Silent Spring"
Nature in Absentia: Monarch Migrations
focuses on producing a creative platform for community members to learn more about the surrounding natural environment, while regenerating milkweed/mugwort plants into a handmade paper immersive installation that highlights bio and cultural diversity through the collection of migration stories.
Community members are invited to be a part of this project by regenerating the Monarch caterpillars’ main food source of milkweed collected from highway medians into handmade papers folded into origami butterflies. The process of making the milkweed into paper pulp entails demonstrating how to peel, boil and break down the bast fibers of the stalks for casting individual sheets of paper with a screened-in framing mold. The handmade paper sheets produced from one community will be used by the next to write stories, poems and drawings inspired by the theme of Migration.

Share Your Story With Us!
to type, in your choice of language, in the Reply section below. If you are okay with others reading your story, please feel free sign your permission in the reply section to have your story printed. All stories will be kept private and hidden away in the folds of the origami butterflies unless otherwise given permission to share in a final book.
This project is supported by a New Work Grant from The Bronx Council on the Arts and through the Urban Field Station Collaborative Arts Program Residency with the USDA Forest Service, NYC Parks Department and Nature of Cities. Paper making and Tea Workshops have been developed in collaboration with Tea Arts & Culture.