Oiy! and has it been an adventurous past two weeks.
From deciding at the last minute to bail out of Maine, in pursuit of reaching NY before Irene, only to find my neighborhood high and dry, and quiet to my sleeping ears all night, after an evening of watching Toy Story 3.
That sunday emanated a strange aura of being passed over and spared like the Israelites who spread the lamb’s blood over their doors as I walked throughout Central Park with downed trees and limbs, runners and wood chippers, while communities that did not expect as much damage, had more.
Moving back in for a few days only to move back out again for another subletter to first take the train down to DC to only work in the rain for three days straight to take down Arbor Lace at the Textile Museum, to driving back to NJ in a UHaul, to having had to unload and reload at my storage garage and then drive to Philadelphia for the World Tea East Expo. The best image was seeing Katy the exhibitions coordinator standing under the arbor soaking wet in her T-Shirt holding a rubber mallet in each hand just waiting to whack my copper structure apart. Afterwards I told her she was ready to go to the shore and play Whack-a-Mole. I apologized for making everyone work in the rain, their response was positive, saying just that it was an adventure. This was the theme of the week. To setting up my tea house and collecting hopes and prayers and donations for Japan, while being introduced to the professional tea world. To trading in my driver’s license for a cart to roll my copper house out of the Philly Convention Center, only to be stopped for speeding while passing across PA on my way to Michigan for a month and having the cop take pity on me when I could not find it. My license is missing! 14 hours later and many rain showers past I arrived in Saugatuck to the director saying at least it was not all my credit cards and money that were missing, yes this is true, only my identity is lost at the moment…
My tea house was in good company at the Tea Expo alongside Judy Phaff’s installation in the Philadelphia Convention Center.
So now I am in residence at Ox-Bow alongside the free roaming chickens. I need to ask if it is their eggs we had in the morning.