Garden Sentinels

GARDEN SENTINELS May 2008 Flatfiles Gallery, Chicago, IL Chashama, New York, NY 12-8′ x 4′ quadruped sculptures marching through darkened space filled with sound composed …


ENTERING FROM THE INSIDE: THE ART OF MEMORY September, 2008 The Temple Judea Museum of Congregation Keneseth Israel Elkins Park, PA An interactive site-specific installation made …

Looking Out

LOOKING OUT September 2004 Littlejohn Contemporary, Project Room Installation New York, NY 7’10’’ x 10’ x 15’ 5 sets of large format photographs taken of …


MET LIFE VIEW August 2005 58″ x 16″ Large Format C-Print. Photoshop collage based on digital photographs of the Metropolitan Life Tower, New York, NY.


PRESENCING 5’3″ x varied diameters Recycled fabric tightly sewn around trees at my height of 5’3”. Based on the practice of painting the bottom of …

Fogged In

FOGGED IN July 2002 Headlands Center for the Arts Sausalito, CA 12’ x 50’ x 30’ A site-specific installation of double layered nylon fabric curtains …


PASAJE / PASSAGE July 2000 Umbral / Limen at the Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporaneo San José, Costa Rica 13’ x 4.5’ x 60’ …

Elusive Walkways

ELUSIVE WALKWAYS When working within both the natural and urban landscape, I concentrate on quietly articulating what already exists in order to shift one’s consciousness …


LAND-SCAPING April 1999 Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation Studio Space Program New York, NY 10’ x 8’2” x 8’2” An installation of nylon fabric walls …

Prairie Preserve

PRAIRIE PRESERVE 50 glass medicine bottles filled with water, plant food, and Big Blue Stem Prairie Grass seeds. Each bottle sits on a steel rod …