Just another day in Portland…

I have just been feeling so out of sorts all summer.  Like I am A.D.D. in the studio, jumping from one project to the next, …


Today was a good work day. A really good work day. I started off the morning early, alone in the sun shine of the studio, …

Rain and a Black out Oh Yeh

so thank goodness for batteries. I can type away while the sun sets on a rainy night with no electricity. I am all alone with …

Sitting on the dock of the bay

Oh my, did we just have the most incredibly lovely evening out together. Alex, the director of the colony organized a spontaneous boat outing for …


Ok ok ok, I know I promised not to write so much about my day to day stuff, and that I would just send out …

First Night in Portland

Well here I am. After a 7 hour drive where I woke up at 3:30 am in order to leave NYC by 5:00 in order …

Portsmouth VA

Spending the night in Historic Portsmouth, VA, where houses and buildings dating from as far back as the 1700’s line the streets like candy. In the …

Passover in Arizona

Can you believe it?  After traveling for over 5 weeks through 4 different countries with out a hitch, it is when I am back in …

Flaxen Passage

FLAXEN PASSAGE: INSTALLATION VIEW April 1994 14.5″ x 20″ C-Print Figure walking through space Available for Purchase

The purposeful tourist

Ok ok ok I am ready to admit it.  As soon as my train rolled into Venice I morphed from visiting artist to American tourist. …