Touring Around

So I have been a good little tourist this weekend. On Saturday, despite writing that I was going to try and take it easy I …

A quiet Saturday morning

Hello from Taipei! Spent a rough first night at my hostel in the Taipei Artist Village.  It is in a great location, for a great …

On the plane to Taiwan

Dear Friends and Family, Flying over Alaska where the temperature measures minus 65 degrees outside, yet the sun burns hot on my window shade at …

Catching up

Sorry to have been so out of touch for a while.  Since arriving in Michigan I have been full tilt driving back and forth between …

Last thought days

Well have decided to leave today during the calm before the storm.  Wanna be there if my windows should be crashed in. Was hoping for …

Last week

I think I am morphing into a lobster after all this time in Maine.  Even in the shade I get sun burnt. Oh my I …

A little creature in our midst

The saga of a creature in our studio continues.  After not seeing it all day on Saturday, I came back to the studio sunday evening …

Just another day in Portland…

I have just been feeling so out of sorts all summer.  Like I am A.D.D. in the studio, jumping from one project to the next, …


Today was a good work day. A really good work day. I started off the morning early, alone in the sun shine of the studio, …